Sunday, June 28, 2009

Enshallaa Soon.

Awaaal Shy 7abeet Ashker Kel Men Garah my story Ely ana Katbat.haa w Aashker ely 3alegow ;* Walla a7ibkom ;** .. Astanes Lama Ashofkom Meshta6een w taktebon el comment;* Astanes lama a7ad yakteb le next pst pls! .. Wallaa Wanastoony w kha9a El " Anonymousat Kelhom;* " ..w silent reader b3d ;p
w love you all;*

Thany shy, Walah ya jema3ah ana kent 7a6a ebaly enah hatha akher elqe9a w kelesh mafkrt eb new post.. Bs la2na 3ashankom wallah Ra7 Elqe9a Tetkamaal Enshallaa ;* " Lajeel 3ain Tekram Alf 3ain;* " ... Bs 9ebrow 3alay Eshway, La2na Mafkrt Eb Wala Shy New, Fa A7taaj Eny Afker .. Bs Enshalla Ra7 Anazel el post As soon as possible;*
w Thaaanx All;*

P.S. Ely Ebkha6rah Shy yegolah or 3endah Shy yesa3dny 7ag elqe9a la yebkhal 3alay w Ya6leb Emaily Wenshalla Ana Mabkhal 3ala a7ad;*



Anonymous said...

Wallaah Your Story 7ad'ha 3ajeeba Ou Mashallah You're a Good Writer!
Hmm.. Shufayy I have an idea bs madre etha eb ta3jbech..
Tigdireen Etgoulen Enha Shafat 'Someone' eb 3azza i5ouha.. ou i dunno b3dain yrdoun together? .. or enha trou7 tkalma asks him laish sawa feeha chthey!!
Madre Bad3ay:$ ! Afkarech akeed a7la mn mine;*
Good Luck;;*
Ou Waiting for you amazing Storiez;]!

Anonymous said...

Ooohh Yeah Forgot to tell you who i am..
Just Call Me..

Anonymous said...

6ab3an ana i cant stop thinking about the story :$ ! ou adry thayagtech 7addey sorry;*
Lama ygoulaha Someone shnu kan sebab hejrana!.. ya enha tgoulah 3ade 3endaha t9er weyah 7ata law hez paralized.. etha refa'9.. 5aleeha tensaah ou t7eb 7amoud:P!
Madre not that much of ideaz bs ya3ne its what i got:$!!

Yourz, A.L!

Resalah said...

A.L ;*** Wallaaah g3da agra w am smiling Men Elidea bs allah yehdach mo jedam elnas kelhom darow baji el qe9a;P .. hehe eshlon refej okhoha shafha bl 3aza w oho asasan 3aza el7arem ebro7 w elreyayel ebroo7 ? ... yallah b3d aby ideas;**** wallah 3ajabteeeny ;** ...7abait she6etech wayed;* w 3ajbteny;*

Anonymous said...

eshrayich ana akamil 3alla ilanonymous "A.L" ee etshoufa ib 3azza o5ouha w someone e3azeeha w they fall for each other again! she goes back to talking to him o meeting him mn baab ina ya3ni were friends w 9i7ita tt7asan! (bs ohwa maydre ina she falls for him) w ba3dain ohwa he falls for her again w egoulaha ina i cant live without u w ehya itgul nafs ilshay ba3dain he proposes to her w she agrees w as soon as the get married they start traveling all over the world 3ashan e3algouna w finally e6eeb! dont worry i never forgot fay and mar;p fay ttzawaj 7moud! w cousin someone (ili kan 5a6bich) e7ib manour w ytzawjoun w mar layl7een lam w lan tajid seed almila7;p w et8arir inha bititzawaj shlaiwee7 (mn masra7iyat lan a3eesh fee jilbab zawjati:P) eshrayich??

Anonymous said...

moo lazim bil 3azza bil jam3iya aw ila7la ehya ry7a ilba7ar side scientific center et'3ayr jaw la2ina minhara mn 3goub o5ouha w who does she sees?? yupe McDreamy!
hope u like it

Resalah said...

L Add Me hatha emaily Estanst 3alaaaich;* ..Enty shaklech ely betsa3deeeny Akaamel el story , ..

Anonymous said...

Mashallah "L!" LOOOL 7adha 3ajeeba Your Ideaz!!
Bs 5ala9 Kmelat Your Story(A)!

Anonymous said...

Resalah: Check ur E-mail
A.L: thank 7uby;** keep in mind ina u started it all;p

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

shoufaii.. khaleeha a happy ending... a7lla bas aham shay ena eridoun 7ag ba3th;*..

Anonymous said...

mashalla 3alaich 3ainy 3alaich barda bas kitabtich 9ij it2athir.... madry shagoolich bas 9ij il qi9a 3ajeeba... addicted to it

Anonymous said...

hiiii nice story :)
hathi 8i9a 9ijiya wala la2....??
from : bedoora