Monday, May 25, 2009

13.1 .

" Reja3t em7amelin Nafsey? Redat el 7ath w Elkhebah" ..

Reja3t Men Elsefar , Sho3or  ghareeb Lama Terja3 7ag Dertek W et7es Eb kel shy ghareeb! Lama Et7ess Enah elsheware3 taghayart .. Elnas taghyaret .. Man6eqtek ely 3ayesh feha? Ghaaair ... ely 7awalek Ghair .. Lama Et7ess Ena 7eta El3esha 9art Ghair ..Yomkin bl9ej mateghyar shy w Enah Mojarad E7sas ..

E7saas ghareeb Lamaa Etshoof Nafsek Ghareb Bain Ahlek .. Lama et7ess Enik disconected from life . 

Lama .. 9amtek Ye3ber 3an Mash3rek. w Et7ess Ebsekoon Mahma Kan 7awlek Ez3aj ... 

Lama Et7ess Eb3ax el mawjod ...Ahalek?=Ghuraba , Rab3ek?=Nas , Dertek?Mujarad Mukan , Kalamek?=9amtek ..

Lama Kel Shy et3esha 3ax Elmawjod or elmafroth et7esah ...

Lama Matestw3eb A9lan Shino g3ed ye9eeer bain 7awlek .. ka2nik 3ayesh eb bubble .. 

El7ub?Tadre Bah Maho Bedy. 

Sa3at Agool Low Ma9ar! ..Laish Sawet Chethy? .. Low Mo Emsawya Chethy chan mawe9alt le hal mar7ala ... Bs Men Afker Eb hal Takfer Ye9er Feeny .. 

Hatha allah Eli Katbah .. w El7imdela 3ala Kel 7aal ..

Lama ..

Lama Takteb Qe9a Men khayalek w Bs Khayalek .. w Lama Tegraha Again Testw3eb Enah Hathy Elqe9a En3exas E7sasek .. 

Hathy Elstory Telakhe9 My ups and downs.

ElStory Mujarad Khayaal bs ..Wa7ed Men Elab6al Ya3xeny ...

"Someone" is not dead , E7sas Someone is Dead.

My Someone ... Me.

My Someone , Myself  And Me! 

Resalah Ehda...

Enshallaa Ako Takmelah ..


FMA said...

Wow! It's true, ya3ni the story is how you feel. wallah i realized it, when I'm happy kila akteb shay zain and whem I'm sad akteb ashya2 itza3el;\ mashallah loved ur story:*

Resalah said...

Queen;* hehe wallah ana men ghair qa9id tara ketabt w ma estwb3t ela akher shy .. hehe thanx alot ;*

Anonymous said...

ambaaih ana '6aya3t shwaaay ;/!
iv been reading men awal shaay oo i used to comment..bass ba3dain u stopped writing oo ma kent adrii ena ako part 13 oo 14..oo lamma i read part 13 '6aya3t ;/ ! ma fahamt 3adel shga3d e9eer..ya3nii mcdreamy towafa? oo etha he didnt why did u say ena he did? oo sh9ar 3ogob el 3amaliya ?

Wa7sHaAa said...

..wallah wenty saajah...ba3dh a7yaan elketabah yersym e7sasak bguwwah...

mashl elqessah marrah sa7... u hal shy yeseer bedunyah!